Sutera is a city of about 2,100 inhabitants located 590m asl on the slopes of the San Paolino Mount – which derives its name from a shrine in the area –, Caltanissetta province. The city underwent several dominations and rulers, the last of which was the Count of Caccamo Giovanni III Chiaramonte. A part of the urban planning reveals some Arab features.

Sutera’s major religious buildings are the Santuario di San Paolino, erected in the end of the 14th century at Giovanni Chiaramonte’s behest, and the former convent of the Filippini Fathers, going back to the 18th century. The three-nave church contains works of art like the 1400’s silver reliquaries of San Paolino and Sant’Onofrio. 

Among the minor churches, worth-seeing are Sant’Agata, San Giovanni, the Carmine – guarding the marble statue of the Madonna del Soccorso and a wooden statue of the Virgin – and the ruined Santa Maria degli Agonizzanti.